
Sony HX7V / HX9V analyzing the 16MP sensor pictures - Part 1

Photographybay took some photos with a Sony HX7 in Vegas. The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX9V uses the identical 16MP sensor so we can get a good first impression how the pictures will be.
They also have a first look at the Sony TX100V with sample pictures and a sample video (sadly not in 1080p 60fps).

I did not use the TX100V samples, since the T models have a total different lens.

I downloaded the pictures from the link above, took the ISO 125, reduced it per side by 50%, added a tiny bit a sharpening and took a crop from 1600 pixel (max size for blogs)
To understand why I reduce the 16MP to 4 MP read: Sony HX9V compared with the Sony HX5V

ISO 400, reduced per side by 50%, auto adjusted the colors added a tiny bit a sharpening, took a crop from 1600 pixel.

ISO 1600, reduced per side by 50%, auto adjusted the colors added a tiny bit a sharpening, took a crop from 1600 pixel.
ISO 3200, reduced per side by 50%, auto adjusted the colors added a tiny bit a sharpening, took a crop from 1600 pixel.
Keep in mind that they are from a pre-production model HX7V and the HX9V has a different lens.
But since the Sony HX7 is practically a HX5 with just a different sensor, slightly changed optic and firmware I do not think there will be a difference in the quality of the retail HX7.
The high ISO shots treated that way are not too bad at all. Now thing if they were shot in ABM mode with the 6 images stacking.

A look at the full 16MP resolution with ISO 200

and after reducing to 4MP, auto color correction and some sharpening


  1. very nice oil paintings

  2. it is more than borderline, in fact I think it is way over the hill...


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